
Thursday, September 10, 2015

Operation Organization: Basement Bathroom

We picked up this dresser for FREE on a local facebook group.  When we got to the house we were surprised to see it was our dentist.  haha!  We've had a lot of dentist bills this year so we've seen him a lot recently.  Anyways, the dresser was your standard light veneer.  The trim on the top left was missing and it was also missing a knob.  The knobs it did have were sports balls and were pretty faded.

So this dresser has been hanging out under our carport all Summer as we were trying to decide what to do with it.  Eventually we spent $$$$ on some power tools and my husband made a new trim piece for the top.  I spent hours searching for the perfect knobs and finally decided on these beauties.

I wasn't sure where we were going to put it.  I told my husband to pick up more paint like another project we did but he didn't check the name before he went to the lumberyard and ended up getting a different color but I love it.  Very cheery!

I finally figured out that it would fit perfectly in the basement bathroom.  This room only gets used a couple times a year when guests stay with us but I needed somewhere to store towels in there and I thought we could use the rest of the drawers to store our swim gear since we won't need it for a while now.

The top drawer has extra towels in it.  The second drawer holds beach towels.  The third drawer contains our swimming suits and the bottom drawer holds the swim floaties.

I'm so happy to get this in the house before winter hits and so glad to have a few more things in the house organized!

It's so nice to have places to put them items that were previously homeless.