
Friday, March 9, 2012

{Favorite Things Friday} - green baby hat

Received this as a present today.  Isn't it just too cute for words?  This picture doesn't do it justice.  The yarn actually has gold threads through it.  Love it!  Can't wait to try it on our little leprechaun.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

{Thankful Thursday} - Walking Weather

It's so nice to have warm weather to go walking in.  Of course no matter how cold it was over the winter I usually would still walk to the post office to pick up the mail and sometimes walk to my husband's work to take him lunch or meet up with him after his shift ended.  Today was in the high 40s so I donned my walking shoes, a mini skirt and tshirt and a sweatshirt and went for a nice walk with some of my favorite people.  It felt so nice to be outside soaking in the sun's rays.  Within a few days it's supposed to get up to 60.  If I was still in AZ or CA these temps would be "freezing" but after many months of weather below actual freezing these temps feel great.  When we lived in AZ we went walking most evenings (in the winter when the temps were bearable) and I really miss that.  Looking forward to going on lots of walks this Spring with the baby in the stroller.  Maybe then my feet will be back to normal size and I'll actually be able to tie my shoes!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

{Whatever Wednesday} - The Waiting Game

So now I'm one day past my due date and everyone is anxious for the baby to make his appearance.  I'm fine if he wants to wait a few more days.  I was having consistent contractions on Monday afternoon and went to the hospital to get checked.  After a couple of hours things slowed down and I was sent home with this souvenir mug.  Haven't had many contractions since then except in the last few minutes.  Yikes!  Hope I can get some good sleep tonight.  I have to say this mug is pretty awesome and considering they want you to drink adequate amounts of liquid while you are pregnant they should give you one of these at your first appt.  I've been drinking much more water the last couple of days.  And it's great that it's 32 oz so technically if I drink two of these a day I'd be doing good.  And I've been drinking more than just 2.  At least I should be well hydrated when next I go to the hospital again.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

{Tutorial Tuesday} - Blessing Blanket

I just finished up this afghan so I thought I'd post about it even though this won't be much of a tutorial.  I originally bought this yarn to crochet a blessing outfit but as I started the project several times over I was unsure that it was turning out the right size so I decided to wait until the baby made his arrival before I got too involved with that.  I thought a special blessing blanket would be nice so I started on that instead.  I used two skeins of Red Heart Super Saver and a size H crochet hook.  The blanket is about 32" square.  I didn't do any sort of border on it but still thinking about maybe adding one.

This is how much yarn I had leftover.  I'm so glad I was able to make it around and not run out of yarn half way through and have to rip some out.

Today was my due date but I guess the little guy isn't ready to come out yet.  Hope it will be soon though!

Monday, March 5, 2012

{Money Saving Monday} - Dollar Stores

It's no secret that I love dollar stores. I'm very glad that there are Dollar Tree stores in Cody and Billings so that I can get my dollar store fix every once in a while. As much as I love the Dollar Tree and am glad to have a couple of them accessible to me I really miss the 99 cent store. Not as classy, true. But wider variety. There was one right next to my apt. in CA and it was really hard for me to exercise self control and not go there everyday. I'm also a big fan of Honk's in ID & UT. I was able to go there last April when we went to ID for my cousin's wedding and unfortunately couldn't really buy anything since I was limited to a carry on for my luggage but did see a lot of tempting stuff. The reason I write about this is that a couple of months ago I was in Cody with some people who had never been to the Dollar Tree before and they were amazed at the selection and variety. I think it's always a good idea to check the dollar store when you are looking for something to see if they have it first and then go to a discount store if the dollar store doesn't have it. A lot of people here refer to the "Family Dollar" as the dollar store but to me it doesn't count because things are just in increments of a dollar there. I've never really been a fan of the Family Dollar but do go there sometimes since there's one near my dr's office.  They are also in the process of building one in the next town over.  I guess it's better than nothing but I'd still prefer to have a Dollar Tree closer.

Friday, March 2, 2012

{Favorite Things Friday} - skype!

I love skyping with my nephews.  They are so much fun!  Who knew that we'd actually have this technology that was shown in sci fi shows and cartoons when I was a kid.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

{Thankful Thursday} - Generosity

I've been so overwhelmed lately by the generosity of family and friends.  Even though my baby shower was a couple of weeks ago, I'm still getting presents dropped off like this one yesterday.  I'm so in love with these dinosaur outfits.  I can't wait to dress the baby up in all these cute outfits and think I'll have the hardest time packing clothes away as he outgrows them.  Too cute!