
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Little Quilts

One of the main advantages of residing in such a large house is that I'm finally able to go through all my boxes of treasures and make new discoveries. I came across a box a while ago with tons of Little Quilt fabric in it. Being overwhelmed and not knowing what to do with it I set it aside. A few days ago I decided to tackle it. First I sorted everything out. I was pleasantly surprised to find many quilts done and a few just needing the binding sewn on. I'm not sure what my mom and I were thinking when we bought all this fabric. Surely we had a plan. I decided that I'd just keep one quilt or kit each for me and pass the rest on. I started putting kits together with the remaining fabric. In addition to the panels we of course bought matching fabric for the backs and bindings.

If I ever make it to Atlanta, GA I will definantly be visiting the Little Quilts shop. They have super cute stuff that I've admired for many years.

Just listed some of the quilt kits on etsy. Hopefully some fellow fans of Little Quilts will find them. They are so cute.

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