
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Another crocheted edge baby blanket

Yeah! Another completed project!

Close up of the finished edge.

I finished crocheting the edge around this baby blanket earlier in the week and hadn't had a chance to post a picture of it yet. I really love this fabric. Of course I'm a big fan of the flowers and I like the coordinating blue on the back as well. I used a variegated pink thread and just made up an easy pattern. I can't tell you how many hours this took. I know I don't crochet very fast but whenever I crochet projects with thread it just makes me appreciate all the more people who make big items from thread. I seriously do not have that kind of patience. I think is the last blanket I'm ever going to crochet around.
I did bring back a sack of flannel from CA last weekend that my mom gave me but haven't decided what to do with it yet. So many fun possibilities! I'm very glad to have yet another ufo finished. Yeah!

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