
Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I personally love giveaways. I enter all of them that I come across and I nearly always do the surveys that I find printed on receipts. I was even lucky enough to win a $100 gift card from DownEast Basics on their blog last Fall. I thought it would be fun to do my own giveaway but for whatever reason it didn't take off. I'm not sure if no one noticed it or if it was too complicated or confusing or what. So I'll put that aside for now and just keep on recording my creative journey.
I feel very blessed to have many talented friends, two of which are currently involved in giveaways. The first is Jennifer of Mary Poppins Presents. She is a constant inspiration to me and I'm always amazed at the unique items she comes up with. Click here to find out how to enter. The next one is a friend that I haven't seen for over 15 years but was lucky enough to find again through facebook. She is a jewelry maker, artist and author. You can win a copy of her book and a necklace here.

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