
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Twenty is better than one!

A few months ago I was asked to come up with an idea for a matching hair accessory for the girls for the Primary Program in Sept. The boys will all have matching ties but we weren’t sure what to do for the girls. I wanted to incorporate a fabric rosette. At first I was thinking about making hairclips but figured out that those might not work for everyone depending on their hairstyle and the thickness of their hair. Finally I realized that headbands were the way to go. Not only are the hugely popular right now but they would fit everyone from 4 – 12 years of age and it wouldn’t matter what hairstyle they had. After making an initial prototype and getting it approved by the Primary Presidency I made all 20 that we think we’ll need. It’s nice to have completed a project early and not have to worry about getting it done last minute.



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