
Friday, November 12, 2010

Felt Crayon Rolls

In my search for stocking stuffers for boys I also came across a tutorial for making felt crayon rolls.  I couldn't wait to try it out and finally got the chance this morning.  I made the rolls a bit longer since all the boxes of crayons I had on hand were 24 count and if I made them 16 count I didn't know what I'd do with the extra crayons.  Of course I have 6 or 7 boxes that I picked up during my back to school hoarding.  I mean shopping.  When you can get them for a penny or five cents each I can't resist!
 My attempt at taking an artistic picture.

 Since this was my first time appliqueing with felt I opted with circles.  Did an O.K. job sewing them on.  Maybe next time will go better.  I wanted to do something gender neutral so the crayon rolls could be for guys or girls.
ta da!  The finished project.  Isn't it cute?

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