
Friday, December 2, 2011

{Favorite Things Friday} - Measuring Cup Glasses

One of my very favorite things that comes in handy nearly everyday is my Measuring Cup Glasses. I found these at The Dollar Tree a couple years ago and instantly fell in love. Not like I needed glasses but I HAD to have them. The store only had 7 so I bought them all and then set out on a quest to find 5 more. Luckily there are lots of Dollar Tree stores in the Phoenix area so after a couple of stops I found enough to make my collection grow to 12. I gave away the glasses we were currently using and replaced them with these beauties. They are even more handy now that we've moved to WY and somehow I still haven't unpacked our Pampered Chef measuring glasses. Even though they just measure to a cup they are handy for making tang in and of course measuring out water or milk for pasta, rice, etc... They are great. My only regret is that I didn't but a couple extra. One accidentally got broken a few months ago so I'm now down to 11. Whenever I get a chance to go to Cody or Billings I check the Dollar Trees there but haven't found them in stock so if you see them at your local store pick one up for me! Thanks!

P.S. I also love them because of their retroness they go well with my collection of fiesta dishes!

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