
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

{Tutorial Tuesday} - cloth diapers

So, I finally made a few cloth diapers a couple of weeks ago and it was really easy. I hope they work out. I searched and searched for a pattern and settled on one that was a "one size fits all". I figured I didn't want to have to keep making more as I went along. Also, I opted not to put snaps or velcro and will use pins. They are pocket diapers. I plan on making some inserts out of old tshirts. Might use prefold diapers for inserts as well. I already had a bunch of flannel on hand and even had some elastic so I really had nothing to lose by making them. I have a lot more cut out but I thought that I might get a better finish using the serger instead of my regular sewing machine so I'm waiting to see if my friend can work her magic on the serger and get the tension just right before I finish the rest up. Here's a picture of one sewn up with an insert inside. (I totally adore this mouse fabric!)

Here is the pattern I used. You can probably tell from the picture I didn't follow the instructions exactly. Instead of sewing and turning and sewing again like the pattern said I opted just to finish the raw edges instead. A different pattern I found was finished like that and I figured that would work. I hope they will hold up. I'll let you know how it goes...

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