
Friday, May 25, 2012

{Favorite Things Friday} - Rain Boots

Any day I get to wear these rain boots is a good day in my book!  A couple weeks ago it was in the high 80s and now that school is out and everyone wants to go camping this weekend for Memorial Day the high is maybe 50.  At one point today it was snowing, hailing and raining all at the same time.  I'd never seen that before.  Since we were out of milk I made a quick trip to the next town over to pick up some groceries and took advantage of the opportunity to wear these awesome boots.  I even got complimented on them from the grocery bagger who walked me out to my car and loaded my groceries in the trunk.  I bought these in CA a few years ago from Target.  I think they were a return from an online purchase because they were they only ones in stock.  I bought them because I'd just returned from a trip to AZ where I'd gotten caught in some crazy flooding and wanted to be prepared if that happened again.  Of course in the years I lived there we didn't get enough rain to flood but I still wore my boots every chance I got.  I'll wear them this summer too when I work in the community garden since it's pretty muddy.  It's fun to have a cute pair of rain boots and to look forward to opportunities to wear them.  My dream would be to wear them to a rainy day at Disneyland.  What fun that would be!

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