
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

{Whatever Wednesday} - Finished is better than perfect!

I bought some cloth books when they were clearing out the fabric in the AZ Wal-Marts a few years ago.  Even though I wasn't pregnant at the time, I was hoping to be again and bought one each of the styles they had available.  (They were Mary Englebreit how could I resist?)  Last week I finally decided to try to tackle the project.  I've never been that confident in my sewing abilities and I'd never made cloth books before but thought it was high time I give it a try.  I have to say that I'm not really a fan of making these.  The panels weren't printed square so they didn't line up when I was trying to sew them together and then of course the book ends up being really thick so sewing the pages together was difficult as well.  But I've read the book several times to my little one and he even was interested in helping turn the pages so it will do.  It's nice to have one of my many ufos (unfinished objects) actually completed.  I still have 4 more cloth books and 999 other projects to do.  Better get going...

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