
Saturday, January 31, 2009

Petite Snowflakes

A couple weeks ago Mr. T. and I were going to watch the extended version of "Fellowship of the Ring". I wanted something to work on since I knew I was going to be sitting there a while. I found this book that I bought many years ago and had never done. I grabbed my thread and hook and got started. I had no idea how little they were going to be. The biggest one is just 2 1/2". They were fun to make because they only took a few minutes each. I finished all 35 during my recent trip to CA while riding in the car. Now I just need to starch them and add hangers. I bought the ribbon at Michael's for 90% off after Christmas sale. My plan is to get a little tree for Christmas and decorate it with the snowflakes and ribbon. I started making bigger snowflakes on the car ride home yesterday. I'll post them when I get a few more done.

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