
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

How did you do that?

Six down Fourteen to go!

Sometimes people see things I've posted on my blog and they call me and ask me how I made it. I've wanted to do more tutorials but haven't taken the time and documented all the steps along the way.

The other day I was driving past the local thrift store and remembering that it was dollar day decided to make a quick stop and see if I came across anything interesting. I ended up buying 20 wooden clothes hangers for $1.50 which I felt was quite a steal. I'd been wanting some sturdier hangers for the coat closet so this was perfect.

When I got home I thought that I should try crocheting covers for them since they were quite old and some were a bit discolored. Having never done this before I searched on the internet for a pattern and ended up not being able to find one that I liked. So I decided to figure it out for myself. After a little trial and error, I came up with an easy pattern and even designed a flower motif to dress it up a bit.

I've posted my step by step instructions complete with pictures on ehow. I figure this is a good medium for sharing my creations so not only my friends can see them but hopefully others will benefit from me imparting my vast crafting knowledge as well. Take a peak and tell me what you think.


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