
Monday, February 15, 2010

Ric Rac burp cloth/changing pad

I'm out of all the girl blanket and burp cloth sets I made but I still had this cute blanket in my stash. I figured it's probably nice to get something not pink every once in a while. I wanted to give something with it of course and had one cloth diaper left so this morning I sewed some ric rac across the seams. Maybe everyone else does this too but when I thought of it I thought it was pretty smart - I melt the ends of the ric rac with a lighter so it doesn't unravel. I usually melt one end and then start sewing and then when I start getting to the other end I cut it off at the right length and melt the other end. Just don't wait until your almost at the end though. Probably not a good idea to use a lighter that close to your sewing machine. Of course I wouldn't recommend letting your children do this but I have found that this is way better than using any sort of fray check and it's fun too.
The decorated cloth diaper can be a burp cloth or a changing pad. I absolutely love ric rac and can't get enough of it. Luckily I happened across a store that was clearing out some packages for 25 cents each so of course I bought all that they had in stock. It will be fun to use up on sewing projects for the next bit.

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