
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Rag Edge Receiving Blankets & Burp Cloths

IMG_4447 Although I’ve made lots of receiving blankets and burp cloths over the last year I’ve never been a fan of making them.  I just don’t like the sew, turn right side out and then topstitch procedure.  A month or so ago I spied my friend sporting a rag edge burp cloth and loved the idea of making those instead.  So for this last batch I tried it out and thought they turned out great.  For the receiving blankets I cut the front and back about 42” square.  With wrong sides together I sewed a 1” seam all the way around and then used the rag quilt scissors to snip all around and then took them to the laundry mat to wash them.  For the burp cloths I used my regular pattern and used a 1/2” seam.  (Although for a few I accidentally used a 1” seam and I think I like those better.)  I also noticed that when I used a different fabric for the front and back they didn’t end up shrinking the same so they don’t lay flat.  The couple that I made using the same front and back worked out much better.  So from now on I’ll have to use the same fabric front and back or prewash the fabric so I can use two different fabrics which is much cuter!


So if you are in need of making baby presents this is a great project!


The one on the left uses the same fabric on both sides.  On the right there’s a different fabric on the back that ended up shrinking a lot and bunching up the fabric.

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