
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

crocheted flower hairclips

Last month when I was in ID my cousin's daughter asked me to make some crocheted flower hairclips similar to one she had purchased.  It had a fabric covered button for the center but since I don't have the supplies to make those, I decided to use antique buttons instead.  I went through my button collection and found a few that I liked.  My mother in law stopped past the house last Wed. evening and I showed her what I was working on.  She said I could go through her buttons and use some of them as well.  It took me a couple of tries but I finally figured out a pattern that I like.  Some of my crochet thread was quite thick so I could just one strand but for most of it I had to double it up which required stringing it through the house and then wrapping it back up doubled which was a fun endeavor.  As you can see, these flowers have anywhere from 6 - 8 petals since I was trying out different styles but I'll probably be making them all the same from here on out.  Now I just need to attach them to some alligator clips to finish them up.

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