
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Trade - Rosette Brooch for Bloomies

A couple weeks ago I traded this brooch I made

for this hairclip:

Isn't it so cute?!?  My friend in CA has this amazing business called Bloomies.  I secretly wish I was her next door neighbor and that we could craft together everyday.  We seem to have a lot in common.  Both of us move from one project to the next and can't wait to try out new things.  She frequently sells over her facebook page, has an etsy shop and also showcases her products in a shop in Newport Beach.

She also has a very talented mother who sews prolifically and is an amazing baker.

I was so delighted to receive the hariclip in my mailbox last Tues. on our way to Billings to celebrate our 3rd anniversary.  It went with what I was wearing so I immediately put it in my hair.  I received several compliments on it throughout the day.  Everyone needs their own Bloomies!

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