
Thursday, February 23, 2012

{Thankful Thursday} - Awesome New Iron

Today I am thankful that I didn't have to go anywhere since the weather was atrocious this morning.  (So much for giving it props yesterday!)  I'm also thankful for my awesome new iron.  When we went to Billings last month I told Josh that we should each pick something out for early Valentine's Day presents.  He got new pillows and I picked out an iron.  My old one didn't work very well especially after I'd dropped it a few months back.  Oops!  This new iron steams up great, has a super long cord which is really nice and works like a charm.  I'm also thankful for my supply of craft/sewing supplies.  It's so nice to just be able to dig around in my stuff and find what I need to make pretty much anything I want.  The bassinet we bought just came with one sheet so I want to make another one to have an extra and I also stumbled upon a tutorial for a carseat cover the other day so that's on my list to make as well.  I found the perfect fabric (pictured above) in my stash so I'll make those tomorrow and post about them sometime next week.

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