
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Four more t-shirt bags

Made four more T-shirt bags from some t-shirts I found on clearance at Wal-Mart for $1 each!

Close-up of rosettes on the girl bags.

I will share this bit of advice: Stick with boys shirts or adult sized shirts.  Three of these were actually girl's dresses and so the shoulders on them were really narrow. Oh and when you cut the sleeves off it's easier if you turn the shirt inside out.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

TShirt Bag

I've been seeing these for a while now and wanted to try making one so I finally did.

Here is the t-shirt.  It's a little on the short side.  I usually only wore it under jumpers but those went out with the 90s right?  (I haven't re-made the bed in the guest room so ya that's the mattress pad.)

I'm a big fan of using a walking foot.  I just turned the tshirt inside out, lined up along the hem and sewed on.  I think this might be the first time I ever sewed on knit fabric.  Went better than I hoped. 

The shirt was rounded on the bottom but I like the bottom of the bag like that.  I of course had to make a rosette to embellish it with.  I didn't take any picture of cutting of the sleeves or around the neckline but that is pretty basic.  They are so easy to make.  I have a whole bucket of shirts I don't wear so maybe I'll turn them all into bags.  

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Purple Heart Crayon Roll

inside of crayon roll


I'm on a roll!  Made four of these in the past couple of weeks.  Need to stock up on crayons next time I go into town so I can make a couple more and then I'll be out of felt!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Bucket Labels

flour, sugar, rice

close-up of rice

Since I had my cricut out to make star and heart patterns for the crayon roll ups I'm working on I thought I'd cross another to-do item off my list.  We have these buckets to store some of our dry goods in but they weren't labeled.  I designed these little labels this morning and applied them.  Now it will be easier to tell what is in each.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Star Crayon Roll

After my post yesterday I had a friend order a couple of crayon rolls.  She wanted a blue one with a star so this is what I came up with.  Cut the star out with my cricut.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Custom Order - Crayon Rolls

 I had an order for two crayon rolls for Easter presents.  These are what I came up with.

I used washable crayons because I thought those are safer for kids.  I really like the ribbon I used across the top of the crayon pocket and to tie the crayon roll.  I hope my client and the recipients like them and that they get a lot of use.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Crocheted Owl

I've been wanting to crochet an owl for a while now but hadn't found a pattern that struck my fancy.  For some reason when I saw this pattern pinned a couple of days ago I knew it's the one I wanted to try.  I just used some yarn that I had laying around upstairs but I really liked how it turned out.  The only changes I made were just doing two rounds for the eyes instead of 3 and I sewed the nose under the eyes instead of on top.  Oh, and I didn't add legs.  It was an easy pattern but took me a couple of days to do since I just worked on it a little at a time.  I really like the button eyes.  I have a couple more pair so maybe I'll make a couple more owls to use them up.  Each kid needs one right? (and one for me!)