
Thursday, April 17, 2014

TShirt Bag

I've been seeing these for a while now and wanted to try making one so I finally did.

Here is the t-shirt.  It's a little on the short side.  I usually only wore it under jumpers but those went out with the 90s right?  (I haven't re-made the bed in the guest room so ya that's the mattress pad.)

I'm a big fan of using a walking foot.  I just turned the tshirt inside out, lined up along the hem and sewed on.  I think this might be the first time I ever sewed on knit fabric.  Went better than I hoped. 

The shirt was rounded on the bottom but I like the bottom of the bag like that.  I of course had to make a rosette to embellish it with.  I didn't take any picture of cutting of the sleeves or around the neckline but that is pretty basic.  They are so easy to make.  I have a whole bucket of shirts I don't wear so maybe I'll turn them all into bags.  

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