
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Laptop Cover for me!

Finished this up recently so I thought I'd post it.  I started this about a year and a half ago.  We bought a laptop on vacation and I needed something to protect it in my bag on the return flight so I crocheted up the "sleeve" part.  Finally went on another vacation last month so I got this out to use it and actually worked on the flap for a while in the car but it wasn't easy since I was in between two car seats in the back seat.  Finally finished it up after we returned from the trip.  Found the buttons in my stash.  I randomly had a piece of round black elastic so I used that to tie the buttons on instead of sewing them on.  I decided not to put my usual flowers on for decorations so I did a scallop across the flap so it's not too plain.  It seems rare these days that I actually crochet something for me.  I'm glad to have this done and hope it's not another year and a half before we go on another vacation and I need it again!

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