
Saturday, April 5, 2014

Crocheted Owl

I've been wanting to crochet an owl for a while now but hadn't found a pattern that struck my fancy.  For some reason when I saw this pattern pinned a couple of days ago I knew it's the one I wanted to try.  I just used some yarn that I had laying around upstairs but I really liked how it turned out.  The only changes I made were just doing two rounds for the eyes instead of 3 and I sewed the nose under the eyes instead of on top.  Oh, and I didn't add legs.  It was an easy pattern but took me a couple of days to do since I just worked on it a little at a time.  I really like the button eyes.  I have a couple more pair so maybe I'll make a couple more owls to use them up.  Each kid needs one right? (and one for me!)

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