
Thursday, March 4, 2010


I only had two skeins of yarn so when I ran out of purple I added a little lacy edge of white. I love how it turned out. At approx. 32" square it will be a great size for using in a carseat but as you can tell it wasn't laying perfectly flat. Since I mainly stick to smaller projects I had never blocked anything bigger than a doily so I did a little research online to figure out what to do.
Luckily, the piece fit on my kitchen island just right. I sprayed it down with water and stretched it here and there and now it lays flat even though I need to work on it a bit more to be perfectly square. This is a great way to use up yarn and as I'm constantly hosting baby showers I think I'll make a couple more to have on hand for some of the many expectant mothers I know.

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