
Friday, March 5, 2010

Granny Squares

Since I've been on the subject of granny squares lately I thought I'd include a picture of these beauties. Believe it or not these are the first crochet projects I ever did about 30 years ago I'm guessing. I don't know what possessed me to try to make an afghan. Being a 70s child, these were the colors my room was decorated in. I guess I made these two blocks and as you can see they didn't finish the same size so I stopped. Probably not the best project for a beginner but I suppose each square could be blocked to be the same size.
After making these, I remember completing a couple of baby blankets with a croknit hook. It's a cross between crocheting and knitting where you crochet the stitches on and off a rather large hook. I have one around here somewhere. Maybe I'll take that up again and see how that goes.

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