I really liked the pattern. It looks like a men's dress shirt with the stripes of various shades of blue.
I washed it up and then cut off the casing across the top and the seams along both sides and then I ripped it into 1" strips. As you can see I ended up with quite a big pile of strips.
I then wound the strips up into a ball, attaching the strips as I went. You can either just tie the ends together in a square knot or what I did was cut a slit (like a buttonhole) in the ends of each strip and then lay the new strip on top and pull the other end of the strip through the bottom to hook them together. (There are lots of tutorials showing this)
I didn't take any pictures along the way but here is my completed rug. I wanted it to be about doormat size. The doormat I had on hand was 24" wide x 14 1/2" tall. My rug turned out 27" wide and 14" tall so I came pretty close. This is how I did it: 1. loosely chain 50. 2. turn, chain 1 and sc in each stitch across. 3. keep repeating step 2 till you run out of fabric or your project reaches it's desired size. (I still need to go back over the rug with a smaller hook and pull some of the loose ends under stitches to hid them.)
This is the hook I used which unfortunately has no markings so I'm not really sure what size it is. Also shown is how much of the fabric that I had leftover. I figured I started out with a bit over 230 yards of fabric strips. I'd actually like the rug to be a bit taller so if I can find another sheet that coordinates with this one I'll add a few rows to the top and bottom to enlarge it.
It was a really fun project and I can't wait to crochet up another sheet. Gotta get to a thrift store!