Thursday, December 17, 2015

Gratitude Journal Giveaway

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Gratitude Journal

I published a book.  So crazy!  About 10 years ago I had a gratitude journal that I wrote in fairly frequently.  Recently I remembered about it and wanted another one but couldn't find one to my liking so I thought I should just make one being a formatter and all.  It took longer than any book I've ever done and didn't turn out exactly as I'd envisioned it but I love it.  I've been writing in one for a few months and it really helps to keep a better perspective on life.  You can order one here or if you are local I ordered a case and will be selling them for just $5 until Christmas.  I have an idea for another book so I'll work on that when I have the time.  If I can publish a book anyone can!